среда, 31 января 2024 г.

Gravitational time dilation on Earth is 1 second per 100 years: Quantum Gravity with 4D-tetraquark displaces General Relativity


Leonov Vladimir

For citation:

V.S. Leonov. Gravitational time dilation on Earth is 1 second per 100 years: Quantum Gravity with 4D-tetraquark displaces General Relativity – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28037.12003


For the first time, it was established that the physical nature of gravitational time dilation is a quantum effect with the slowing effect of gravity on an elementary quantum of time, the carrier of which is 4D-tetraquark in the theory of quantum gravity. Despite the fact that the effect of gravitational time dilation was predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity, the physical nature of gravitational time dilation is not related to the theory of relativity. It has been established that gravitational time dilation is proportional to gravitational deceleration of the speed of light in the theory of quantum gravity. For example, gravitational time dilation is 1 second per 100 years on the surface of the Earth in accordance with the theory of quantum gravity, which replaced the theory of relativity, which could not become a quantum theory. A new experiment to numerically test gravitational time dilation has been proposed in geostationary orbit in accordance with the theory of quantum gravity.

6 pages

Key word: 4D-tetraquark, quantum gravity, time dilation, particle of time, time quantum.


воскресенье, 28 января 2024 г.

Formula for time dilation in quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquark


Leonov Vladimir

For citation:

V.S. Leonov. Formula for time dilation in quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquark. – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28073.98405


The theory of quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquark gave me the opportunity for the first time to calculate time dilation in the gravitational field on the Earth's surface: in 1 year there is ~ 0.01 s, in 10 years there is ~ 0.1 s, in 100 years there is ~ 1 s. Now we must conduct an experiment that can confirm the correctness of the theory of quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquark. Einstein's general relativity does not allow us to make such calculations.

5 pages, 4 figures.

Key word:, 4D-tetraquark, quantum gravity, time dilation, particle of time, time quantum.

суббота, 27 января 2024 г.

4D-tetraquark is a quark particle of time


Leonov Vladimir

For citation:

V.S. Leonov. 4D-tetraquark is a quark particle of time. – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14835.71205


The quark particle of the time in the form of 4D-tetraquark was opened by me in the theory of EQS in 1996. 4D-tetraquark is a carrier of an elementary quantum of time. 4D-tetraquark is an electromagnetic volumetric resonator that has a period of its own oscillations equal 2.5×10—34 s which is a quantum of time. Time is a material substance in quantum gravity that has a particle of the time in the form of 4D-tetraquark. 4D-tetraquarks can form a chronal field that is responsible for the distribution of time in a heterogeneous quantized space-time. 4D-tetraquark is the only four-dimensional (4D) particle in the Universe.

6 pages, 5 figures.

Key word: 4D-tetraquark, particle of time, quark, space-time quantum, quanton, quantized space-time, Universe.