Leonov Vladimir
For citation:
Leonov Vladimir. Comments about extracting energy from a quantized vacuum. – Preprint: ResearchGate, August 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11163.48165
We have established that the main source of global electromagnetic energy in the Universe is a quantized vacuum consisting of space-time quanta in the form of 4D-tetraquarks. The energy density of the quantized vacuum is sufficient that just a few cubic meters of it could produce the Big Bang. Humanity has never encountered such a density of global energy before, against which nuclear and thermonuclear energy are negligible. This global energy is the carrier of the superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI) – the fifth fundamental force. The energy of the SEI is a source of dark energy as a property of quantized vacuum. Ultimately, we come to the conclusion that the energy of a quantized vacuum is the maximum concentration of a single energy in nature when all known types of energy (electromagnetic, gravitational, chemical, nuclear, thermonuclear and others) ultimately come down to the extraction and transformation of the energy of a quantized vacuum. Our Universe is an electromagnetic Universe, the hidden electromagnetic field of which is the primary field in the equilibrium state of the zero-point. Gravity is a secondary phenomenon within the quantized vacuum when the imaginary mass of a particle is formed as a result of spherical deformation of the quantized vacuum. This fact is in full agreement with Sakharov's (1968) concept of induced gravity as a secondary phenomenon within a quantized vacuum. Newton's and Einstein's gravity is obsolete against this background.
11 pages, 3 figures.
Key word: zero-point fluctuations, ZPF, energy of quantized vacuum, mass formation, 4D-tetraquark, induced gravity.
1. Introduction
2. Comments on Dr. Puthoff's papers
3. Conclusion