среда, 15 января 2025 г.

Gravitational Leonov radius is without factor 2 for quantum gravity


Leonov Vladimir

January 2025



For citation:

Leonov Vladimir. Gravitational Leonov radius is without factor 2 for quantum gravity. – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2025, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21964.53123


A black hole can only be formed as a result of a spherical deformation of a quantized vacuum in the theory of quantum gravity. A black hole cannot exist in Einstein's empty space. The gravitational radius is the main parameter of a black hole. Physicists use the Schwarzschild solution (1915) to calculate the gravitational radius with a factor of 2 which is incorrectly obtained. We have shown the exact solution of Leonov (2000) for the gravitational radius of a black hole without the factor 2 obtained on the basis of a physical model of spherical deformation of a quantized vacuum. Gravitational Leonov radius is 2 times smaller than the Schwarzschild radius.

10 pages, 5 figures.

Key word: black hole, Schwarzschild radius, Leonov radius, quantized vacuum, quantum gravity.


1. Introduction

2. Schwarzschild's solution is wrong

3. The formation of a black hole is the result of spherical deformation of a quantized vacuum

4. Gravitational diagram of a black hole inside a quantized vacuum

5. Leonov's formula for the gravitational radius of a black hole

6. Conclusion


воскресенье, 12 января 2025 г.

Newton and Einstein gravity does not work in the super strong gravitational field of a black hole inside its gravitational well in a quantized vacuum


Leonov Vladimir

January 2025



For citation:

Leonov Vladimir. Newton and Einstein gravity does not work in the super strong gravitational field of a black hole inside its gravitational well in a quantized vacuum. – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2025, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27646.50240


            The theory of quantum gravity for the first time considers the state of a black hole inside a quantized vacuum consisting of 4D-tetraquarks. This fact gives us new analytical possibilities for establishing new fundamental laws when Newton's and Einstein's gravity does not work near a black hole. Paradoxically, we have established that near a black hole there is a decrease in gravity to zero on its surface. This effect can be explained by the mass defect of a body falling into the gravitational well of a black hole inside a quantized vacuum. The super-strong gravitational field of a black hole has the ability to tear mass into individual quarks, where on the surface of the black hole the mass disappears completely. As a result of the mass defect, we have a black hole glow limited to a sphere of 10 gravitational radii. Cosmologists have also observed a decrease in gravity for binary stars in the vicinity of a black hole. The quantum theory of black holes inside a quantized vacuum is a breakthrough in cosmology.

16 pages, 5 figures.

Key word: black hole, mass defect, quantum gravity, quantized vacuum, 4D-tetraquark, gravitational well, new gravity laws.


1. Introduction

2. The formation of a black hole is the result of spherical deformation of a quantized vacuum

3. Gravitational diagram of a black hole inside a quantized vacuum

4. The mass of a body decreases to zero when it falls into a black hole

5. Classical force of gravity in a weak gravitational field

6. Newton's law of gravitation in relative units

7. The force of gravity decreases to zero when a body falls into a black hole

8. Leonov's law of gravitation for a black hole in relative units

9. The function of decreasing gravity when a body falls into a black hole

10. Conclusion


понедельник, 6 января 2025 г.

Gravitational diagram for quantum gravity with imaginary mass and gravitational well inside a quantized vacuum


Leonov Vladimir

January 2025



For citation:

Leonov Vladimir. Renormalization of gravitational potentials for quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquarks. – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2025, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10289.29285


            So, we have proven that the basis of the nature of gravity is the gravitational well for the imaginary mass M0 inside the quantized vacuum when the force of gravity is induced inside the quantized vacuum as a result of its spherical deformation. We were the first to be able to describe mathematically the state of the gravitational well on a gravitational diagram inside a quantized vacuum in a theory of quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquarks. None of the theoretical physicists in the world have been able to do anything like this despite the large number of publications on the topic of quantum gravity, passing off their wishes as a real event.

            The criteria for identifying quantum gravity have five main points:

            1) the presence of a gravity carrier particle in the form of 4D-tetraquark;

            2) formation of a quantized vacuum from 4D-tetraquarks;

            3) spherical deformation of the quantized vacuum around the imaginary mass M0;

            4) formation of a gravitational well around the imaginary mass M0 as a gravitational           field;

            5) mandatory verification of the theory of quantum gravity for compliance with Newton's          law of gravitation.

            If any paper cannot meet the specified criteria for identifying quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquarks, then it has nothing to do with the theory of quantum gravity. We have no right to write empty papers on the topic of quantum gravity without having a particle of gravity and its parameters.

9 pages, 4 figures.

Key word: quantum gravity, quantized vacuum, imaginary mass, 4D-tetraquark, spherical deformation, gravitational well, gravitational diagram.


1. Introduction

2. Spherical deformation of quantized vacuum for imaginary mass

3. Gravitational diagram for imaginary mass M0 inside deformed quantized vacuum

4. There is a gravitational well around an imaginary mass inside a quantized vacuum

5. Conclusion
