четверг, 6 января 2022 г.

Chapter 3. Unification of electromagnetism and gravitation. Antigravitation

Vladimir Leonov 

 Book: ResearchGate

For citation:

Leonov Vladimir (2010). Chapter 3. Unification of electromagnetism and gravitation. Antigravitation. – From the book: Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages, pp. 167-261. . – Book: ResearchGate, PDF: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357604980


Chapter 2 of my book “Theory of Superunification” is devoted to the quantum nature of gravity. This is the first and only theory of quantum gravity. Quantum gravity is based on my discovery in 1996 of a quantum of space-time (quanton) in the form of a 4D-tetraquark. Quanton is a 4D-particle which is simultaneously a carrier of electromagnetism and gravity as a graviton. The concentration of quantons in 1 cubic meter of vacuum is the quantum density (p) of space-time. This is a new parameter that characterizes 4D space-time as a quantum substance. Gravity is characterized by the deformation vector D of the quantum density (p) of space-time: D=grad(p). Einstein's 4D tensor model is not suitable for describing quantum gravity. The deformation vector D is a new parameter for describing quantum gravity. If there is a deformation of 4D space-time, then there is gravity when, as a result of spherical deformation of quantized space-time, gravitational mass is born. This is the first time I am presenting a formula for mass as a function of deformation. Paradoxically, in the quantum world, mass does not exist as a traditional object of mechanics. In the quantum world, mass is an energy cluster of spherical deformation of quantized space-time, and the motion of mass is a wave transfer of spherical deformation, similar to the motion of a soliton. The wave principle is the basis of quantum theory. Quantum gravity is described by the complex speed from which it follows that the speed of light is a function of gravity. Quantum gravity is also described by the formula of the force F as an energy gradient: F = gradW, where W are different levels of energy accumulated inside the discrete quantized space-time at the quantum level of its discreteness.

Key words: Theory of Superunification; Quantum Superunification Theory; Unified Field Theory; quantum gravity; quantum of space-time; quanton; 4D-tetraquark; quantum density; deformation vector D; nature of gravitational mass; nature of inertia; nature of fundamental force; wave transfer of gravitational mass; the speed of light is not a constant.

Comments: 95 pages, 20 figures.


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