Leonov Vladimir
Апрель 2024
For citation:
V.S. Leonov. Unit of measurement for charge of magnetic quark is Leon [Ln] – Preprint: ResearchGate, April 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30412.01924
Magnetic quarks were first introduced in the theory of elastic quantized space in 1996 in the quark structure of a space-time quantum (quanton) in the form of 4D-tetraquark which includes four integer quarks: two electric ±е and two magnetic ±g. The quark electromagnetic structure of vacuum in the form of quantized space-time is the carrier of the fifth Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI) – the fifth fundamental Superforce. The exact formula g = Ce is establishes the relationship between the magnetic and electric charges of quarks in quantized space-time. The unit of measurement for the charge of a magnetic quark is Leon [Ln]=Am. Magnetic quarks cannot be in a free state; they are coupled into dipoles within 4D-tetraquark, representing a hidden form of vacuum. For this reason, free magnetic Dirac monopoles can never be detected experimentally since they do not exist in nature. Magnetic quarks bound in dipoles inside 4D-tetraquark are involved in all electromagnetic processes in nature.
6 pages, 2 figures
Key word: magnetic quarks, electric quarks, 4D-tetraquark, quantized space-time, Dirac monopole, fifth fundamental Superforce, theory of Superunification.
1. Introduction
2. Derivation of the formula for the magnetic charge from the quark structure of 4D-tetraquark
3. Derivation of the formula for the magnetic charge from Maxwell’s equations for vacuum
4. Conclusion