воскресенье, 9 июня 2024 г.

Remarks: Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang


Leonov Vladimir

June 2024



For citation:

Leonov V.S. Remarks: Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang. – Preprint: ResearchGate, June 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35646.29768


            Cosmology now has a model of a quantized spherical inhomogeneous Great Multiverse within which there is a narrow galactic expansion belt (Fig. 4). Inside the galactic expansion belt there is a spherical visible region of our Small Universe, which we observe from the surface of the Earth. The rest of the Great Multiverse is beyond our visibility. But inside our Small Universe there are traces of expansion from the Big Bang. Using these traces from the Big Bang, I was able to restore the quantized structure of the Great Multiverse, which includes a spherical galactic expansion belt within which there is our small Universe, the shape of which is close to flat but is not ideally flat [1]. I have established that the quantized Great Multiverse was formed in full before the Big Bang as a result of its filling with 4D-tetraquarks. The quantization process was stopped when, at the center of the Multiverse, the density of electromagnetic energy reached a critical state for the Big Bang to occur. Only a few cubic meters of quantized vacuum were used for the Big Bang. It was a point in the center of the Multiverse which is commonly called the singular state. It was in this singularity that 4D-tetraquarks decayed into photons and electron neutrinos from which elementary particles, atoms, molecules, bodies, planets, stars, galaxies and Black Holes were formed. This initial period in the life of the Multiverse is called inflation [1]. I did not see anything like this in the papers [2, 3]. The geometry of empty space-time cannot recreate the quantized structure of the Great Multiverse and the nature of the Big Bang without knowing the source of its energy. The initial period of inflation was associated with the formation of mass in elementary particles through the use of the zero element of the periodic table [4, 7]. In science, it is customary to make references to previously published works on the research topic. My theory of Superunification was published in English in 2010 [4]. In this book I outlined the structure of the quantized Universe, the quark nature of the formation of mass in elementary particles and the nature of the accelerated expansion of the Universe (galactic belt) under the influence of the gradient of quantum density and energy of the spherically inhomogeneous Universe. I described in more detail the nature of the Big Bang and the structure of the quantized Universe in the book [1] (Fig. 4). I want to remind you that Einstein himself abandoned the geometric model of general relativity in empty space at the end of his life [26-28]. I was forced to create a new Quantum Relativity Theory with a variable speed of light so that I could describe the mathematical state of expansion with the acceleration of the Great Multiverse relative to the movement of the Earth [1, 29 and 30].

11 pages, 4 figures.

Key word: Great Multiverse, Small Universe, 4D-tetraquark, Quantum Superunification Theory, Quantum Relativity Theory, Big Bang, inflation.


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