пятница, 19 января 2024 г.

V.S. Leonov (1996). Book: The Theory of Elastic Quantized Space (EQS)


Leonov Vladimir

with author's comments in English (2024)

Copy from the original Russian edition (1996):

V.S. Leonov. Theory of the elastic quantized space. – Minsk: Bisprint, 1996, 156 p, in Russian (Леонов В.С. Теория упругой квантованной среды. Мн.: Биспринт, 1996, - 156 с.). PDF https://leonovpublitzistika.blogspot.com/2021/07/1996.html

For citation:

V.S. Leonov (1996). Book The Theory of Elastic Quantized Space (EQS) – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2024, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35568.02566


This is the main book in my life that I wrote immediately after my discovery of the space-time quantum (quanton) in the form of 4D-tetraquark on January 10, 1996. Exactly 28 years have passed since that moment. My “Theory of Elastic Quantized Space” (EQS) is the basis of new directions in fundamental science. The EQS theory is the basis of the quantum theory of Superunification as a Unified Field Theory, quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquark, quantum electrodynamics and the theory of electromagnetism with magnetic quarks, quantum thermodynamics with thermal photons, quantum energetics with the extraction of matter and antimatter from the vacuum through neutrinos, quantum cosmology with shell a model of an expanding (or wave) spherical Universe in the form of a quasi-quark crystal, quantum warp engines for interplanetary travel, quantum chemistry with zero element, quantum physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles, the theory of spring n-quark alternating strings and superstrings, quantum information science and AI with quark bit of information and neural network, quantum computers with a two-rotor photon structure and their quantum entanglement, quantum medicine, quantum biophysics, biochemistry and other areas of fundamental science and new quantum technologies. All of the above new quantum directions in fundamental science are based on the discovery of 4D-tetraquark and a quark neutrino in the form of an electric dipole in the EQS theory; they are described in my books and papers, including those translated into English.

202 pages, 115 figures.

Key word: EQS theory, theory of Superunification, Unified Field Theory, 4D-tetraquark, quark neutrino, quarks, magnetic quark, space-time quantum, quanton, quantized space-time, Big Bang, Universe, dark energy, quantum warp engine, liquid rocket engine.

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