суббота, 6 апреля 2024 г.

V.S. Leonov (1999). Fifth type Superstrong Unifying Interaction

Leonov Vladimir


Published in the collection:

“Theoretical and experimental problems of the general theory of relativity and gravitation.”

 X Russian Gravity Conference.

Abstracts of reports. – Moscow: June 20 - 27, 1999, p. 219.

Translated into English with author's comments

April 2024

For citation

V.S. Leonov (1999). Fifth type Superstrong Unifying Interaction. Preprint: ResearchGate, April 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11446.72001


The fifth fundamental force (Superforce) as the fifth fundamental interaction in the form of Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI) was discovered by me in 1996 [2] and I made a report on the discovery of SEI in 1999 [1]. Then I gave a talk “Role of superstrong interaction in synthesis of elementary particles” at a conference in 2000 [4, 5]. And finally, my fundamental book of 2010 [6] includes two chapters with the titles: “Fundamental discoveries of the quantum of space-time (quanton) and superstrong electromagnetic interaction” [7] and “Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction and prospects for the development of quantum energetics in the 21st century” [8]. These publications are sufficient to establish my scientific priority in the discovery of the fifth fundamental Superforce as the fifth fundamental interaction (SEI). The carrier of the fifth Superforce is a space-time quantum (quanton) in the form of 4D-tetraquark [1-8]. If I can be brief, the main criterion of the fifth Superforce is the ability to carry out the Big Bang [11, 12]. This condition for the fifth Superforce can only be satisfied by the carrier of the global SEI energy in the form of quantized space-time and a new 4D-tetraquark particle [1-6]. Nothing like this had been done in the world until that moment, although later there were attempts to call some experimental results the fifth force without reference to my earlier publications. This was the reason for me to write this paper.

6 pages

Key word: fifth force of nature, Superforce, 4D-tetraquark, Superstrong Electromagnetic Interaction (SEI), theory of Superunification.


1. Fifth type Superstrong Unifying Interaction. Abstract of reports: 1) Superstrong electromagnetic interaction; 2) Electromagnetic interactions; 3) Gravitational interactions; 4) Weak interactions; 5) Strong interactions.

2. Fifth Superpower in the form of 4D-tetraquark was discovered in 1996. Author's comments.

3. On my priority is discovery the fifth Superforce of nature.

4. Criteria by which the fifth force can be determined




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