вторник, 31 декабря 2024 г.

Renormalization of gravitational potentials for quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquarks


Leonov Vladimir

December 2024



For citation:

Leonov Vladimir. Renormalization of gravitational potentials for quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquarks. – Preprint: ResearchGate, December 2024, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24200.12807


The creation of the theory of quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquarks is a breakthrough that replaced the gravity of Newton and Einstein. 4D-tetraquark is a particle of gravity and electromagnetism at the same time. We have the electromagnetic nature of gravity first introduced in the theory of quantum gravity. Newton's and Einstein's gravity is not quantum gravity; they do not have a gravity carrier particle and they cannot describe the electromagnetic nature of gravity, being phenomenological theories. The nature of quantum gravity with 4D-tetraquarks is a deformation of the quantized vacuum that cannot be described by Newtonian and Einsteinian gravity when renormalization of gravitational potentials is required. Renormalization consists in the fact that the quantized vacuum is endowed with the maximum gravitational potential. In this case, we use the gravitational potential of action instead of the Newtonian gravitational potential, linking them together by the balance of gravitational potentials. We have tested the validity of the renormalization of gravitational potentials, which showed that in this case Newton's law of universal gravitation is not subject to change in the region of weak gravitational fields.

8 pages, 4 figures.

Key word: gravitational potentials, renormalization, quantized vacuum, 4D-tetraquark, quantum gravity.


1. Introduction

2. Gravitational potential of a quantized vacuum without gravity

3. There is no mass – it is energy

4. Mass is an imaginary parameter of the gravitational field

5. Gravitational diagram for imaginary mass inside deformed quantized vacuum

6. Balance of gravitational potentials inside the gravitational well of the quantized vacuum

7. Newton's law of universal gravitation inside a gravity well

8. Conclusion


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