Leonov Vladimir
January 2025
For citation:
Leonov Vladimir. The normalized relativistic Leonov factor limits infinite energy. – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2025, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21359.96164
We can state that the LHC is the limit of perfection of accelerator technology taken to the point of absurdity. This monster is very complex and expensive device to maintain with negligible positive results. The LHC has not been able to give scientists a single fundamental grand scientific discovery during its operation since 2008. Despite the fact that the speed of protons at the LHC can reach 0.99999999С of the speed of light in a vacuum, the energy of accelerated protons does not exceed 7 TeV. We were able to calculate that the maximum energy of a proton at the speed of light is equal to 10^32 TeV. Against this background, the LHC efficiency is close to zero. We came to the conclusion that there is no point in building more powerful accelerators. We will have to modernize the entire process of work at the LHC by restructuring the methodology of the entire work. The efficiency of the LHC will depend not on its power but also on the correct research methodology based on new fundamental knowledge: the theory of Superunification and quantum gravity.
7 pages. 1 figure.
Key word: LHC, proton, LHC efficiency is close to zero, maximum energy, speed of light, quantized vacuum, theory of Superunification.
1. Introduction
2. Normalized relativistic factor
3. Maximum energy of a particle at the speed of light
4. Maximum energy of a proton at the speed of light
5. Evaluation of the efficiency of the Large Hadron Collider
6. Prospects for the development of accelerator technology
7. Conclusion