суббота, 25 января 2025 г.

The efficiency of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is close to zero


Leonov Vladimir

January 2025



For citation:

Leonov Vladimir. The normalized relativistic Leonov factor limits infinite energy. – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2025, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21359.96164


We can state that the LHC is the limit of perfection of accelerator technology taken to the point of absurdity. This monster is very complex and expensive device to maintain with negligible positive results. The LHC has not been able to give scientists a single fundamental grand scientific discovery during its operation since 2008. Despite the fact that the speed of protons at the LHC can reach 0.99999999С of the speed of light in a vacuum, the energy of accelerated protons does not exceed 7 TeV. We were able to calculate that the maximum energy of a proton at the speed of light is equal to 10^32 TeV. Against this background, the LHC efficiency is close to zero. We came to the conclusion that there is no point in building more powerful accelerators. We will have to modernize the entire process of work at the LHC by restructuring the methodology of the entire work. The efficiency of the LHC will depend not on its power but also on the correct research methodology based on new fundamental knowledge: the theory of Superunification and quantum gravity.

7 pages. 1 figure.

Key word: LHC, proton, LHC efficiency is close to zero, maximum energy, speed of light, quantized vacuum, theory of Superunification.


1. Introduction

2. Normalized relativistic factor

3. Maximum energy of a particle at the speed of light

4. Maximum energy of a proton at the speed of light

5. Evaluation of the efficiency of the Large Hadron Collider

6. Prospects for the development of accelerator technology

7. Conclusion


четверг, 23 января 2025 г.

The normalized relativistic Leonov factor limits infinite energy


Leonov Vladimir

January 2025



For citation:

Leonov Vladimir. The normalized relativistic Leonov factor limits infinite energy. – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2025, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23935.52647



            The problem of the infinite energy of a particle moving at the speed of light was not solved for a century. Moreover, Einstein's theory of relativity prohibits the movement of particles at the speed of light except for the photon. Only quantum gravity has made it possible to solve the problem of the infinity of relativistic particles when, having reached the speed of light, a particle passes into the state of a dynamic black microhole inside a quantized vacuum. The maximum particle energy limit at the speed of light can be achieved using the normalized relativistic Leonov factor. A new factor has entered the dynamics of quantum gravity as part of the theory of Superunification, yielding many new solutions that were previously impossible to implement. First of all, this concerns the dynamic balance of gravitational potentials, the balance of mass and energy when we observe the birth of particles from a quantized vacuum as a result of its spherical deformation. We have established that the mass of a proton accelerated to the speed of light corresponds to the mass of an asteroid with a diameter of about 1 km, but it is not infinite. In this case, the energy of the accelerated proton to the speed of light exceeds by 32 orders of magnitude the energy of 7 TeV obtained at the LHC, showing us that the LHC is a weak device for accelerating particles to the speed of light.

6 pages.

Key word: Leonov factor, speed of light, maximum mass, maximum energy, quantum gravity, quantized vacuum, LHC.


1. Introduction

2. Elimination of the problem of solutions with infinity by introducing a normalized relativistic factor γn

3. The maximum mass of a particle at the speed of light

4. Maximum energy of a particle at the speed of light

5. Derivation of the formula for the normalized relativistic factor

6. Conclusion


среда, 22 января 2025 г.

List of 50 Leonov papers on viXra (2019)


Leonov Vladimir

January 2025



For citation:

Leonov Vladimir. List of 50 Leonov papers on viXra (2019). – Preprint: ResearchGate, January 2025, Download PDF: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21969.44641


I was an unknown scientist in the world as the author of the fundamental theory of Superunification created by me in 1996-2000 and published in English in 2010: V.S. Leonov. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010. 745 p. This is a thick book of more than 700 pages, with 10 chapters and a large number of formulas and figures. I believed that my book would be of interest to the scientific community. But I was wrong because no one likes to read thick books with a new scientific concept that changes the existing worldview. Everyone likes to read small papers of 3-10 pages so that they can quickly absorb new information. I found the electronic portal viXra which was available for quick publication of papers and immediately uploaded 50 papers to it. Then I switched to ResearchGate, which is a more convenient electronic service for working with the scientific community on the Internet. However, you can download my papers published by viXra in 2019.

4 pages.

Key word: Theory of Superunification, Quantum Energetics, Vladimir Leonov.