среда, 30 октября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Electromagnetic Nature and Structure of Cosmic Vacuum

[6] Vladimir Leonov. Electromagnetic Nature and Structure of Cosmic Vacuum.
viXra:1910.0287 submitted on 2019-10-16.


This article was published like chapter 2 in the Leonov's book: Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, pp. 68-166. Space vacuum is a specific electromagnetic field which in the region of the ultra microworld of Leonov’s length of 10-25 m can be considered as a static electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic phenomena (electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves) arise in a cosmic vacuum as a result of the violation of its electromagnetic equilibrium. Gravitational phenomena (gravitation and antigravity) arise in a cosmic vacuum as a result of its deformation (Einstein's curvature). The carrier of this electromagnetic field is quanton and quantized space-time. The analytical derivation of Maxwell's equations was first obtained by me as a result of electromagnetic polarization of the quantized space-time. The quantized space-time is carrier of superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI) - fifth fundamental force (Superforce). SEI is a global electromagnetic field permeating our entire universe.

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