среда, 30 октября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Quantized Structure of Nucleons. the Nature of Nuclear Forces

[7] Vladimir Leonov. Quantized Structure of Nucleons. the Nature of Nuclear Forces.
viXra:1910.0290 submitted on 2019-10-17.


This article was published like chapter 5 in the Leonov's book: Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, pp. 352-420. To solve the problem of nuclear forces, I had to destroy part of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). None of the physicists directly measured the fractional electric charge in QCD. Only an entire electric charge of physics was measured with the highest accuracy. Elementary electric charge e is the most stable constant in nature. Only entire electric quarks with a charge of ±1e make up the structure of nucleons to create a sing-alternating (sing-changing) shell with alternating charges in sign. The presence of a sing-alternating shell for nucleons provides spherical deformation of quantized space-time and the formation of mass. The sing-alternating shells of the nucleons create short-range electric forces, regardless of the presence of an excess charge on the nucleon. These short-range electrical forces are equivalent to nuclear forces.

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