среда, 5 января 2022 г.

Chapter 1. Fundamental discoveries of the quantum of space-time (quanton) and superstrong electromagnetic interaction


Leonov Vladimir 

Book: ResearchGate 

For citation:

Leonov Vladimir (2010). Chapter 1. Fundamental discoveries of the quantum of space-time (quanton) and superstrong electromagnetic interaction. – From the book: Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages, ISBN:978-1-904602-75-0, pp. 1-67. – Book: ResearchGate, PDF: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357416595


The quantum of space-time (quanton) in the form of 4D-tetraquark was discovered by me in 1996. 4D-tetraquark (quanton) is composed of four integer quarks: two electric (± e) and two magnetic (± g) located at the vertices of a tetrahedron inside a spherical shell. The calculated diameter of the quanton is 10^(–25) m. This is the fundamental length (Leonov length) of the quantized space-time which has a discrete structure. The electromagnetic energy accumulated inside 4D-tetraquark is 10^(–2) J. The concentration (quantum density p) of 4D-tetraquarks is 10^75 pieces in one cubic meter of quantized space-time. The concentration of electromagnetic energy is 10^73 J in one cubic meter of quantized space-time, which is the carrier of superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI) the fifth fundamental force (Superforce). Quantized space-time has elastic properties for compression and expansion under the influence of gravity (Einstein's curvature). This fact allows us to describe quantum gravity by the deformation vector D = grad (p) and fundamental forces by the formula F = gradW. 4D-tetraquark is a time particle (Leonov time) and it is the only 4D-particle in nature. 4D-tetraquark is the basis of the quantum theory of Superunification and quantum gravity.

Key words: quantum of space-time; quanton; 4D-tetraquark; 4D-particle; fundamental length; Leonov length; Leonov time; time particle; superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI); fifth fundamental force (Superforce); quantized space-time; quantum density; theory of Superunification; quantum gravity.

Comments: 68 pages, 23 figures.

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