воскресенье, 16 января 2022 г.

Chapter 8. Thermal photons: Molecule recoil in photon emission

Vladimir Leonov 

 Book: ResearchGate

For citation

Leonov Vladimir (2010). Chapter 8. Thermal photons: Molecule recoil in photon emission.From the book: Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages, pp. 583-602. – Book: ResearchGate, PDF: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357867457


This chapter 8 is the foundation of quantum thermodynamics. Boltzmann's molecular kinetic theory of heat does not reveal to us the nature of heat at the quantum level. We know that as the temperature raises, the intensity of the chaotic thermal motion of molecules and atoms increases. I have established the causes of this phenomenon as the effect on the molecules of the recoil force during the radiation (re-emission) of a thermal photon. In this case, I had to solve paradoxical problems of quantum thermodynamics. The fact is that I did not have the classical method for calculating the recoil force of a molecule when a photon is emitted. The classical momentum of a photon is so small that it cannot move a molecule. But this fact does not correspond to the experiment with Brownian motion, when thermal heating of a liquid with Brownian particles leads to a sharp increase in the intensity of their chaotic motion. Irradiation of Brownian particles with UV photons does not give the same result as irradiation with IR photons. This experiment is contrary to classical mechanics when IR photons in a small momentum create a greater effect than high-energy UV photons. High-energy gamma quanta do not create any thermal effect. I solved this paradoxical problem when I considered the induced electric field E of a thermal two-rotor photon that acts on the nucleus of an atom within quantized space-time (Fig. 8.2). In this case, the force impulse is determined by the recoil of the atomic nucleus from the induced electric field of the quantized space-time. I showed in calculations that the greatest thermal effect on molecules (atoms) in this case is provided by low-energy thermal (IR) photons. Body temperature is the concentration of thermal photons in the volume of this body.

Key words: quantum thermodynamics; kinetic theory of heat; temperature; recoil force; photon; IR photon; radiation; orbital electron; atomic nucleus; quantized space-time; quantum gravity; physics of the atomic nucleus.

Comments: 20 pages, 3 figures.



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