четверг, 7 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. The Balance of the Quantum Density of a Medium in Statics.

[39] Vladimir Leonov. The Balance of the Quantum Density of a Medium in Statics.
viXra:1911.0092 submitted on 2019-11-05.

 The Balance of the Quantum Density of a Medium in  Dynamics
The balance of the quantum density in dynamics is describing the state of a dynamic particle (body) in the entire range of speeds including the speed of light. The equations of dynamics are including the normalized relativistic factor. In the region of relativistic speeds, we observe a decrease in the quantum density of the medium around the particle (body) and the formation of a deeper gravitational well. Inside a particle (body) we observe an increase in the quantum density of the medium. Upon reaching the speed of light, the particle has the state of a black micro-hole. In this case, we will see that inside of the particle the quantum density doubles, and outside it there is a drop in the quantum density to zero [1-8].
Keywords: quantum density, normalized relativistic factor, speed of light.

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