вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Basis of the Theory of Superunification

[22] Vladimir Leonov. Basis of the Theory of Superunification.
viXra:1910.0497 submitted on 2019-10-24.

Abstract. The basis of the theory of Superunification is electric e and magnetic g integer (whole) charges-quarks. Entire quarks have no mass. Entire electric quark has an electric charge e equal to the elemental charge of an electron. The elementary magnetic charge g is related to the elementary electric charge e by the ratio g=Ce and is measured in Leons, where C is the speed of light [2]. The value of the elementary electric charge e is verified with tremendous precision. Entire quarks are the most stable constants in the universe and are independent of pressure, temperature, speed, the quantum density of the medium, gravitation, and the entire range of natural factors.
Keywords: entire quarks, elementary electric charge, elementary magnetic charge.

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