четверг, 7 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. The Balance of Gravitational Potentials.

[41] Vladimir Leonov. The Balance of Gravitational Potentials.
viXra:1911.0113 submitted on 2019-11-06.

 The gravitational state of a particle (body) is characterized by four parameters of the gravitational potentials of the medium inside the quantized space-time.  We have: the gravitational potential of undeformed quantized space-time; the gravitational action potential of deformed quantized space-time outside of the particle (body); the gravitational potential of deformed quantized space-time inside a particle (body); the Newton potential of the quantized space-time. This is a fundamentally new method of gravitational analysis based on the quantum theory of gravity. The balance of the gravitational potentials of the gravitational field of a particle (body) inside the deformed quantized space-time is a constant. [1-8].
Keywords: balance, gravitational potentials, normalized relativistic factor.

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