вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Gravitational Diagram of an Ideal Black Hole.

[32] Vladimir Leonov. Gravitational Diagram of an Ideal Black Hole.
viXra:1910.0651 submitted on 2019-10-31.

 Black holes can only be inside quantized space-time. Without quantized space-time, black holes cannot exist. In this regard, all known work on black holes requires adjustment. We describe the state of a black hole by a system of equations in the form of a two-component solution of the Poisson equation for the quantum density of the medium and gravitational potentials. An analysis of the spherical deformation of quantized space-time allows us to look inside a black hole and describe its external gravitational field. We consider two types of black holes: black holes ideal and non-ideal black holes. The ideal black holes characterized discontinuities of the quantized space-time on the surface of the black hole. Its formation is completed. Such a black hole is completely invisible. Non-ideal black holes do not have discontinuities of quantized space-time on the surface of a black hole. Its formation is not completed. Such a black hole has a visible glow due to the reflection of photons from its surface. The quantum density of the medium inside the black hole is doubled due to its gravitational compression. Cosmic bodies falling into a black hole break up into quarks already on its surface. Only quarks can penetrate inside a black hole through its surface. Quarks can restore matter inside a black hole. The giant black hole inside may look like a new universe. The gravitational forces inside the black hole are determined by the gradient of the quantum density of the medium, which is characterized by the deformation vector of quantized space-time. It is possible that within a giant black hole can form star systems and planets with weak gravity like Earth where life is possible.
Keywords: black hole, ideal black holes, non-ideal black holes, quantum density, gravitational compression, deformation vector, gravitational forces.

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