вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Two-Component Solution of the Poisson Gravitational Equation

[27] Vladimir Leonov. Two-Component Solution of the Poisson Gravitational Equation.
viXra:1910.0533 submitted on 2019-10-26.

The theory of Superunification is a quantum theory of gravity or a theory of quantum gravity [1]. The theory of Superunification combines the general relativity (GR) and quantum theory. The theory of Superunification is a new quantum theory. Its basis is a new four-dimensional particle quanton - a quantum of space-time. The development of quantum theory is unthinkable without a quanton. The old quantum theory was limited by probabilistic parameters. Einstein was right when he claimed that "God does not play dice". The theory of Superunification as a new quantum theory is the theory of determinism which makes the description of complex quantum phenomena simple and understandable by classical methods. This is a new methodology in quantum theory. Two-Component Solution of the Poisson Gravitational Equation for the Quantum Density of a Medium there is an example of this new methodology. Einstein showed us that the basis of gravity is the curvature of four-dimensional space-time. But if we have a space curvature then this curvature should be compensated by its compression. Otherwise, we will have an unstable system capable of gravitational collapse. But four-dimensional space-time as a quantized medium is a stable system. And this stability of space-time gives us a two-component solution of the Poisson gravitational equation for the quantum density of the medium. So at the birth of the mass of an elementary particle inside quantized space-time, its spherical deformation occurs. We observe a compression of the quantum density of the medium inside the particle due to its extension from the outside. Thus was born the mass of an elementary particle. The two-component solution of the Poisson equation for the first time describes the process the birth of the mass of an elementary particle inside quantized space-time at the quantum level [1].
Keyword: theory of Superunification, quantum gravity, Poisson equation, two-component solution of, quantum density, quantized space-time, spherical deformation.

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