понедельник, 4 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Preface of the Vladimir Leonov to Volume 1 Quantum Energetics. Theory of Superunification.

[16] Vladimir Leonov. Preface of the Vladimir Leonov to Volume 1 Quantum Energetics. Theory of Superunification. viXra:1910.0390 submitted on 2019-10-20.

Abstract. I wrote the preface to Volume 1 in 2009 when I was preparing a translation into English of my main book Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages. This book in Russian was written by me in 1996...2000. Finally, the very fact of creating the theory of Superunification as the main physical theory of all times and nations was accomplished. However, the scientific community does not know practically anything about the theory of Superunification, because it does not read thick books, and I did not write small articles. I was always very busy and did not have time to write small articles in magazines. In addition, the editorial policy of magazines left much to be desired. If you have written a new theory that its publication in the magazine will have a problem. Given the existing editorial policy of magazines, even Einstein could not publish his articles. The theory of Superunification is a new quantum theory in which so far no one understands anything. But I am not only a theoretical physicist, but I am also an experimenter, inventor and entrepreneur in the field of new energy and new space technologies. My quantum engine (Leonovs drive) without fuel is 100 times more efficient than a liquid rocket engine (LRE). The e-print viXra is a very convenient archive for quickly and freely posting new scientific discoveries and inventions.
Keywords: Theory of Superunification, Quantum Energetics, new physics, quantum engine, Leonovs drive.

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