вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Gravitational Diagram of a Non-Ideal Black Hole.

[33] Vladimir Leonov. Gravitational Diagram of a Non-Ideal Black Hole.
viXra:1911.0006 submitted on 2019-11-01.

 In [1], we examined the parameters and properties of an ideal black hole. The ideal black holes characterized discontinuities of the quantized space-time on the surface of the black hole. Its formation is completed. Such a black hole is completely invisible. Non-ideal black holes do not have discontinuities of quantized space-time on the surface of a black hole. Its formation is not completed. Such a black hole has a visible glow due to the reflection of photons from its surface. We describe the state of a black hole by a system of equations in the form of a two-component solution of the Poisson equation for the quantum density of the medium and gravitational potentials. An analysis of the spherical deformation of quantized space-time allows us to look inside a black hole and describe its external gravitational field.
Keywords: black hole, ideal black holes, non-ideal black holes, quantum density, gravitational compression, deformation vector, gravitational forces.

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