понедельник, 4 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. The Calculated Diameter of the Space-Time Quantum (Quanton)

[17] Vladimir Leonov. The Calculated Diameter of the Space-Time Quantum (Quanton).
viXra:1910.0402 submitted on 2019-10-21.

The diameter of the quantum of space-time (quanton) cannot be found experimentally, given that the diameter of the quanton 10—25 m is ten orders of magnitude smaller than the classical radius 10—15 m of the electron. The region of such small sizes 10—25 m belongs to the region of the ultra microworld. We do not have devices that could look inside the quantized space-time. We can penetrate into the region of the ultra microworld of quantons only by the power of our mind using mathematical calculations. To perform this work requires an ingenious theoretical physicst. Prior to this, no one has managed to penetrate the power of the mind into the interior of quantized space-time in the region of the ultra microworld of quantons 10—25 m. The diameter of a quanton 10–25 m is a new fundamental length — Leonov's length. It establishes the discreteness of quantized space-time, and it is 10 orders of magnitude greater than the Planck length of 10–35 m.
Keywords: quantum of space-time, quanton, quantized space-time, fundamental length, Leonov's length, Planck length.

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