вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Gravitational Diagram of a Nucleon for Quantum Density of a Medium

[30] Vladimir Leonov. Gravitational Diagram of a Nucleon for Quantum Density of a Medium. viXra:1910.0610 submitted on 2019-10-29.

 In [1], we examined the properties of the gravitational diagram for the quantum density of a medium. The gravity diagram clearly shows us the process of deformation of quantized space-time under the influence of gravitation. Up to this point, the theory of gravity has been limited to Einstein's curvature and its geometry of four-dimensional space-time. We retained Einstein's concept of gravity of curved space-time, and instead of its curvature, we introduced a deformation vector D into the theory of quantum gravity [2-5]. The theory of quantum gravity does not use probabilistic methods like wave mechanics. Einstein was right when he claimed that "God does not play dice." The quantum theory of gravity uses a new parameter - the quantum density of the medium and determinism [6]. This is the concentration of quantons per unit volume. The deformation of the quantum density of the medium is the basis of quantum gravity. Such models of deformation of the quantum density of the medium are very convenient for us for the analysis of gravity and the gravitational field. These models are visual and can avoid methodological errors in the calculations of the gravitational field and its energy. However, we are not used to new gravity models using the quantum density of the medium and the deformation vector D. But the quantum density of the medium is an analogue of the gravitational potentials familiar to us. We propose to do an analysis of the gravitational diagram for gravitational potentials.
Keywords: gravitational diagram, quantum density, gravitational potential, deformation vector.

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