вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Electrical Asymmetry of the Universe

[23] Vladimir Leonov. Electrical Asymmetry of the Universe.
viXra:1910.0504 submitted on 2019-10-24.

Our universe is characterized by electromagnetic symmetry and electrical asymmetries. These new problems of symmetry and asymmetry of quantized space-time were raised for the first time in the theory of Superunification [1, 2]. We needed to understand how substance and its mass are born from quantized space-time. This applies to both elementary particles and cosmological objects (planets, stars, galaxies, black holes), as well as the state of the universe itself. We need to describe the parameters of elementary particles and cosmological objects in the language of mathematics from the standpoint of quantum theory. This is possible only after unification the general theory of relativity (GR) and the quantum theory that was made in the theory of Superunification. In this case, all events unfold in a single field in the form of quantized space-time and players in the role of which are the electrical charges-quarks. The field of quantized space-time is characterized by electromagnetic symmetry, and the players in this field are due to the appearance of the electrical asymmetry of the Universe.
Keywords: quantized space-time, electromagnetic symmetry, electrical asymmetry, Universe, theory of Superunification.

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