вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Gravitational Diagram of a Nucleon for Gravitational Potentials.

[31] Vladimir Leonov. Gravitational Diagram of a Nucleon for Gravitational Potentials. viXra:1910.0621 submitted on 2019-10-30.

The gravity diagram shows a graphical distribution of the quantum density of the medium or gravitational potentials around the nucleon and inside it. The gravitational field of a proton is a gravitational well around a proton. This is a potential well. The presence of a gravitational well at a proton and atomic nucleus was not previously taken into account in the physics of elementary particles and the atomic nucleus. However, the gravitational pit around the atomic nucleus is fundamental in describing the properties of an orbital electron. On the surface of a proton at its gravitational boundary, we observe a jump in the quantum density of the medium. The quantum density of the medium is an analogue of the gravitational potential. However, the processes of deformation of quantized space-time are much more convenient and easier to study by analyzing the change in the quantum density of the medium.
Keywords: gravity diagram, quantum density, nucleon, proton, gravitational well.

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