вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Hidden Global Energy of the Universe

[25] Vladimir Leonov. Hidden Global Energy of the Universe.
viXra:1910.0507 submitted on 2019-10-25.

 Is the total energy measurable in the universe? I found this question on the Internet www.quora.com. No one answered this question. The zero-energy universe hypothesis proposes that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero: its amount of positive energy in the form of matter is exactly canceled out by its negative energy in the form of gravity [1, 2]. But is it really so? I have the opposite opinion. New physics in the form of the quantum theory of Superunification gives us new knowledge about the universe and its energy [3]. The theory of Superunification is physics on the contrary. The Standard Model (SM) of physics has a zero energy level of cosmic vacuum. The theory of Superunification, on the contrary, establishes the maximum energy level of the cosmic vacuum. This maximum energy level is due to the quantized space-time structure which consists of quantons. Quanton has a small diameter (Leonov's length) and it consists of four quarks: two electrical ±e and two magnetic ±g [4]. Such a system of quarks makes it possible to calculate the energy accumulated in it. We multiply the energy of one quanton by the quantum density of the medium [5] and obtain the energy accumulated in one cubic meter of space vacuum which is equivalent energy to the mass of the substance of the whole universe. These energy values are incomparable. So, the calculations showed that 100% of the energy is accumulated inside the quantized space-time. This is the hidden global energy of the universe.
Keywords: hidden energy, quarks, quanton, quantized space-time, Leonov's length, quantum density, Standard Model, theory of Superunification.

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