вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Tensioning of the Electromagnetic Superstring

[24] Vladimir Leonov. Tensioning of the Electromagnetic Superstring.
viXra:1910.0506 submitted on 2019-10-25.

We have a sign-alternating superstring composed of quantons inside quantized space-time. Quanton includes four quarks: two electrical ±e and two magnetic ±g. Quarks have attractive forces according to Coulomb's law. The diameter of the quanton is Leon's length. The quantons have a tight packing inside the superstring. We can calculate the attractive forces between the quantons inside the superstring. A thin superstring composed of quantons can alone hold the Earth in orbit around the Sun. The quantized space-time has tremendous elasticity and tensioning.
Keywords: sign-alternating superstring, quanton, quark, elasticity, tensioning.

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