суббота, 9 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Spherical Invariance in the Development of Absolute Cosmological Model.

[45] Vladimir Leonov. Spherical Invariance in the Development of Absolute Cosmological Model. viXra:1911.0153 submitted on 2019-11-08.

This article was published by me in English 2000 in a separate brochure: “Four Reports on the Theory of Elastic Quantized Space (EQS)” in the materials of the Sixth International Conference "Modern Problems of Natural Science", August 21-25, 2000, St.-Petersburg, Russia, pp. 24-35. In this article I set out the basic principles of the theory of Superunification, which was completed by me in 1999 in the period 1996-1999. It was only ten years later the theory of Superunification was published in the UK in English in 2010 with a volume of over 700 pages: V. S. Leonov. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pgs. In the end, I came to the conclusion that the principle of relativity is a fundamental property of quantized space-time. I found that every object of the universe from an elementary particle to cosmological objects obeys the principle of spherical invariance and it behaves as an independent center a relatively of quantized space-time, being its part.

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