понедельник, 4 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. Unit of Measurement of Magnetic Charge is Leon.

[18] Vladimir Leonov. Unit of Measurement of Magnetic Charge is Leon.
viXra:1910.0436 submitted on 2019-10-22.

The problem of magnetic charge is the main scientific problem in creating the theory of Superunification. I knew the Dirac formula of magnetic charge for a magnetic monopole. Dirac considered the magnetic monopole as a free magnetic charge similar to a free electric charge. We observe experimentally the electrical charges. But the magnetic monopole was not discovered experimentally. This meant that the magnetic monopole does not exist in nature. But we observed magnetic fields. I perfectly understood that there should be a material carrier of a magnetic field in the form of a magnetic charge. The existing explanation that the cause of magnetism is electric current did not suit me. I found the correct answer to the question "Where is hidden magnetic charge?" in 1996. There is no magnetic monopole but inside the quanton there are integers magnetic quarks connected in pairs into magnetic dipoles. Magnetic quarks were first introduced into physics by me. Quanton consists of two magnetic and two electric quarks forming an electromagnetic quadrupole. Analyzing the electromagnetic properties of the quanton, I derived in 1996 the formula g = Ce correctly connecting magnetic g and electric e charges in the SI system through the speed of light C. The unit of measurement for magnetic charge is Leon: 1Leon is 4.8·10–11 Am.
Keywords: magnetic quarks, electric quarks, magnetic monopole, electromagnetic quadrupole, quanton, theory of Superunification, magnetic charge is Leon.

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