вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Vladimir Leonov. The Normalized Relativistic Factor: the Leonov's Factor.

[34] Vladimir Leonov. The Normalized Relativistic Factor: the Leonov's Factor.
viXra:1911.0014 submitted on 2019-11-01/

 Relativistic factor γ relate to the theory of relativity. The fact of the unification of the theory of relativity and quantum theory takes place in the theory of quantum gravitation as a part of the theory of Superunification [1, 2]. Therefore, it became possible for us to relate the region of relativism to quantum physics. The main problem of relativism is the problem of infinite values of mass and energy during the acceleration of an elementary particle to the speed of light. We solved this problem by introducing a normalized relativistic factor - the Leonov's factor which was introduced into theoretical physics after the discovery of the quanton in 1996. The normalized relativistic factor limits the upper limit of the mass and energy of relativistic particles and excludes infinity. So, a proton when reaching the speed of light should have a limited mass equal to the mass of an iron asteroid with a diameter of 1 km. When the speed of light is reached, the relativistic particle passes into the state of the relativistic black micro-hole, limiting its parameters.
Keywords: normalized relativistic factor, theory of Superunification, quanton, black micro-hole.

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